Monday, June 2, 2008

Memorial Day

We had a fun filled Memorial day! We went for a long run and then did yard work, we love to do both! I mowed the lawn and Josh tried to get rid of a few tree stumps in our front yard. About 6 weeks earlier he had drilled holes in the trunks and then poured this liquid in it that is supposed to eat away at it and eventually kill the trunk. Well at the the 6 week mark they were still looking as green as green can be.  Well on the bottle of our "miracle " liquid it said to pour charcoal on the stumps and just let them burn. Probably about 4-5 bags of charcoal later and lots of lighter fluid there was really no difference. But oh was it ever fun to watch Josh, he had a blast! After all of the yard work we were ready for some pool time. Josh "jumped" right in and the girls loved pouring water all over him. I got pushed in too, but sadly there are no photos of that lovely scene:) 
This was the first time in the blow up pool and the girls didn't want to ever get out! They love the water!! Especially scooping and pouring.

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