Monday, June 23, 2008

Flower Power

We were soo lucky to have my sister Amber visit from Calgary Alberta, Canada!! We loved having Amber here and had such a fun time!! She is such an awesome Lilli and Izzy loved having her around! On Friday night while Josh went camping with the scouts Amber and I decided to try our hand at making some flower clips. I have to say we did an awesome job:) 

Whenever I would finish a flower I would have to see how it looked, so after we were done, Amber had a headful of flowers! I think we ended up with 24 flower clips in all!! 
We had so much fun making them together, especially Amber's amazing strength, lets just say she broke 4 needles trying to get them through the flowers. I didn't break any needles so I guess that goes to show who is the strongest:)  I am so grateful to have such an awesome sister and wished she lived closer so we could do things like this together more often!!Maybe someday...Love you Sis!!


Amber and Brad said...

haha that was so fun, I need to find someone around here that will do crafts like that with me. dang why do you gotta live so far away?

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had so much fun with your sister. Siblings are the best. Beautiful flowers too!