Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Oh How We LOVE The Beach!

I just had to post some more pictures of our trip to the beach! I love beach pictures, they always seem to turn out really well!
The girls looked so cute in their swimming suits! They loved playing in the sand, the water was a little cold but they were brave and took a couple plunges.

Josh loves to dig we brought our camping shovel and boy did he dig some holes. One big enough for me. Then everyone helped cover me up with the sand, I was ok until it got a little hard to breath, and then when I tried to get out I couldn't...needless to say I started to feel a little clausterphobic. I wriggled my arms out but then my hips were stuck (those darn hips:) I got a little flustered, it was not a nice feeling. I was finally able to break free after Josh stopped laughing and decided to help me:) He thanked me for letting him have a little "fun"...anything for my babe:)
I was able to get a little revenge, but it didn't work as well because of his positioning, and well he doesn't have any hips..lucky for him:)


Amber and Brad said...

you guys are just way too cute. it looks like you had so much fun! cant wait till mexico! miss you guys

Kara said...

Those are seriously the most adorable pictures. What a fun trip that was for you!