Sunday, May 11, 2008

Camping Fun!

We had a blast camping! We went to First Landing State Park, one of our favorite spots! Our good friends the Miners joined us and we had an awesome time!  I think I cooked Izzy's hot dog for too long, she looked at me as if to say "Mom hot dogs are not supposed to be black.. this is disgusting!"
Lilli and her best bud Sammy loved the camping trip and had so much fun together! Katie (Sammy's Mom) and I loved watching them have so much fun together!! We just hope they remember these times!
Good morning Izzy! What a happy girl!! She was all smiles, she loves camping!
The kids even had their very own trampoline:)
Lilli found a new friend, a furry catepillar! Good morning to you too Lilli!


Angie said...

I have a feeling that if we were in Richmond, we would have been there with you guys. How fun!! Sammy is getting so big. Izzy has really grown up and thinned out. You guys always have so much fun. Miss you!!

Jani Jo said...

You are the coolest family I know! I have always wanted to go 'beach camping'. Looks like you had soooo much fun!