Sunday, July 13, 2008

4th of July

For the 4th we had breakfast at our good friends the Hansen's. The food was delicious and fun was had by all.  
Wow is it ever hard to get a good picture with 5 kids mostly 2 and under. I have to say we did a pretty good job! Look at all those adorable kiddos! Izzy, Lilli, Carter, Talen and Kenny.  We were going to go to an "Old Fashioned 4th of July" but Izzy was tired and ready for her nap so we all took a nap and later had a BBQ with our neighbours.
We are big fans of fireworks so we went out to Goochland to watch the show with Ashlee and Christain. We had to park at the YMCA and then school buses shuttled us to the park. This was Lilli's first time on a school bus and she was quite amazed that she didn't have to wear a seat belt.  She was so excited!!! She kept saying "Mom this is so neat!" , "Mom this is sooo fun!! over and over again. It definately brought a few smiles to the bus:)
 Izzy was a little nervous at first. She would close her eyes and peek at them, it was pretty cute! But after a little bit she opened her eyes and enjoyed sitting with Daddy, munching on popcorn and watching the fireworks!
Lilli loved the fireworks as you can see by her expression. She has the best expressions!! I love how animated she is! It actually started to rain during the fireworks but that didn't deter us, we just pulled our blanket over our heads and continued enjoying the show. It finished raining by the time the show was over so that was nice! All in all it was a wonderful 4th of July!

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