Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thanks a MILLION!!

A big thank you to Mom and Dad!! It was soooo nice to have them here this past week! Wow I had forgotten how rough the first few weeks are. Lilli and Izzy had an absolute blast while they were here! They went to Kangaroo Jacks, their all time favorite place, read stories until the wee hours of the night, wrestled, and played hide and seek. Mom was such an amazing help with cleaning the house, meals and just being an awesome Mom and Grandma! Dad and Josh went van shopping, did yard work and of course just being an awesome Dad and Grandpa! I am seriously so, so thankful for my wonderful parents and their help this past week. We sure do love having family visit! The girls had a melt down after they left and Josh and I felt a little depressed. Hopefully someday we will live closer! We love you Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa!!! THANKS A MILLION!!!


Angie said...

Congrats on the arrival of your little man! He's a doll...and I can tell that his sisters adore him.

I love the Valentine feast idea. You're so full of fun things that you do with your family.

Laurene Ross said...

I am dying over these pictures... so adorable.