Me on a stretcher...WHAT????? Ok so here's the story. It was early Sunday morning..like really early, 3:30a.m I woke up to thunder and lightning and a whole lotta rain....and painful contractions. I was a week overdue and had never gone overdue before, I was soooo ready for this baby to come!! I woke Josh up and asked him what the time was, I wanted to see how far apart my contractions were. I had been practicing Hypnobabies so I put my earphones in and listened in and out of sleep for 3 hours. At 6a.m they were getting more intense so I got out of bed and sat on the birthing ball, resting on some pillows. so far about an hour I did this with Josh grinding into my back. I had back labor so it felt sooo good! Then everyone was starting to wake up in the house. At one point Talmage came into the room when I was in the middle of a contraction, Josh said he just looked at me had a puzzled look on his face. After I finished with the contraction, I said hi, he just looked at me and layed down on the floor and didn't make a peep....he could sense there was something different going on. I then told Josh that we needed to get to the hospital. He got our things in order and I went to the bathroom one last time before we left. Well that's when it "ALL" happened. My water broke while on the toilet, then the head crowned and I did all I could to not push, Josh came in and I stood up and hung on his neck, then there was the head. Josh looked down and sure enough there was the head. He quickly laid me down on our bedroom floor and called to his Dad to call 911. He felt around Benson's neck to make sure there was no cord and then told me to push. So his Dad gets 911 on the phone and they need our address, so here's Josh or should I say Dr. Nehring trying to think of our address while delivering our baby. He told me to push, I didn't feel like I pushed very hard, and then all of the sudden he squirms right out!! He looked reallly good and gave a good first cry. Josh placed him on my chest and I was just in total awe in what had just happened!!! The truth is I should have been really panicked, but I wasn't, it all happened so fast! The EMT showed up and clamped and cut the cord. They asked me to get up...I asked for some help....come on people I just gave birth. They put me on a stretcher and into the ambulance. Josh followed us and met us at the hospital, where Dr. Moore delivered the placenta, and said good job to the both of us! We are so grateful that little Benson didn't have any complicatons and is healthy and strong!

Proud parents of Benson Steven Nehring, 8.4 lbs, 20 1/2" long, born at home on Sunday June 5 2011 at 7:32 a.m.

Our friend Lyn Whyte said it perfect "Josh I thought you graduated from Dental School. You are specialized in Root Canals, not Birth Canals!" HA love it:)

Yawn.....what an adventure! On the way home from visiting the hospital Josh asked the girls what they thought about Benson being born at home, Lilli said "maybe he just wanted to see our house in Virginia." As we are moving to Nebraska this week. So cute:) Lilli and Talmage did get to see Benson right after he was born, so that was neat. Lilli kept giving me kisses, I loved it! My mom walked into the room and saw me on the floor, she said I looked really refreshed, so she didn't think I had actually had the baby yet, then she looked again and there was the baby, she came over to me crying (with joy of course) Josh's mom was pretty classic also, she just looked at me in amazement, "oh wow!!"

Hello World!!