It actually snowed in Virginia, I could hardley believe it! That morning I took a morning walk and it was beautiful!! Snow on the grass and cars. I love the snow, I think if it is going to be cold there needs to be snow, otherwise the it's just cold for no good reason. When I got back from my walk the girls were ecstatic! I was upstairs putting a load of laundry in and when I came down Lilli was just coming in the back door. No shoes just her stocking feet. I think she was so excited she couldn't even think about putting shoes on. She tells me daily that she wished it would snow. I feel her pain! Some of my favorite memories are in the snow. And growing up in Canada we did get lots and lots of it. Lots of cold too, my dad even made a skating rink in our back yard! Wonderful memories. Anyways we got outside and made our very own snowman! Lilli loved it and could have played for hours. Izzy on the other hand doesn't like to wear puffy coats mittens or hats. So she was pretty cold, by the end. It was a blast and by 11:00a.m all the snow on the grass had melted. I guess that's what you get in Virginia a snowman on a green lawn.

Lilli was our pro snowball roller! You can see Izzy in this picture taking her mittens off:) The snow was pretty wet so the balls were HEAVY! I prayed that I wouldn't go into labor lifting them. Baby's still in my belly so no worries!:)

A few weeks earlier it snowed a littel bit. So we made a mini snowman. Really there was only snow on our front porch and didn't think we could get a snowman out of it, but Lilli saw differently. While I made lunch she worked on it and then after lunch we finished it off, I think it turned out pretty dang cute!