I debated long and hard as to whether I should send Lilli to Kindergarten this past year. She has an August birthday so I could have sent her. Anyways it was the day before Kindergarten registration and I was still debating. Josh and I had talked about it a lot and prayed about it and really I knew what we should do....sometimes I am just a little stubborn sometimes:) Anyways I didn't go to Kindergarten registration and I am sooo HAPPY I didn't. Isabella and her relationship has grown soooo much!!! They are the best of friends and they have become so close this past year. Of course they have their little sisterly "tiffs" but for the most part they get along so well!! It has been such a wonderful thing to see them grow so close!!

They have such amazing imaginations!! I love hearing their conversations and their laughter when they are being silly together!

Tonight as I was putting the girls to bed they love to "talk." Lilli wanted to talk about Kindergarten. She wants Daddy to wake her up and take her to the bus stop, or drive her to school. Izzy also wanted to talk about Kindergarten, not when she goes but Lilli's Kindergaren. She has a master plan....she is going to sneak into Daddy's car if he drives, or the bus. Then when they get to the school she will sneak into the classroom. She really loves her sister!! It really warms my heart to think about how close they are. I hope they stay close forever!

Sisters....Best Friends
p.s- Tonight I got a little frustrated and Lilli looks at me and says.."The person who is grumpy needs a hug and a kiss." Melt my heart...I got lots of hugs and kisses and needless to say I wasn't frustrated anymore. Oh how I love my children!!! I am thankful that they are so forgiving and for all that they teach me! My Children, my Jewels.