Monday, February 15, 2010

Joshua Nehring is Published in JADA!

Yes it's true Josh has been published in The Journal Of The American Dental Association. Yes you heard it right, a Dental Journal!! He has been doing research with a professor for a couple years and their article landed in the January 2010 JADA!! As you can tell I am very proud of my babe:) Here is an over view of what the article is about.

JADA Continuing Education

Accuracy and dimensional stability of extended-pour and conventional alginate impression materials

Terence A. Imbery, DDS, Joshua Nehring, BS, Charles Janus, DDS, MS and Peter C. Moon, PhD

Background. The authors conducted a study to determine if two irreversible hydrocolloid impression materials (Cavex ColorChange, Cavex Holland BV, Haarlem, Netherlands; Jeltrate Plus Antimicrobial Dustless Alginate Impression Material, Dentsply Caulk, Milford, Del.) stored for five days were dimensionally accurate.

Methods. The authors modified Ivorine teeth (Columbia Dentoform, Long Island City, N.Y.) on a Dentoform model (1560 series model, Columbia Dentoform) to allow measurements of tooth and arch width. They made impressions and generated casts immediately and at five additional times. They recorded tooth and arch widths on the casts and compared the measurements with those for the standard model.

Results. Compared with measurements for the model, the greatest measured difference in casts was 0.003 inches for Cavex ColorChange (extended-pour alginate) and 0.005 inches for Jeltrate Plus Antimicrobial Dustless Alginate Impression Material (conventional alginate). The percentage of dimensional change ranged from –0.496 to 0.161 percent for the extended-pour alginate and from –0.174 to 0.912 percent for the conventional alginate.

Conclusions. Results of analysis of variance and paired t tests indicated that when generated immediately and at day 5, casts produced from both impression materials were not statistically different from the standard model (P < .05).

Clinical Implications. When stored properly, both alginate materials can produce accurate impressions at day 5 for diagnostic casts and for fabrication of acrylic appliances.

Key Words: Alginate; impression; accuracy; syneresis; imbibition

Abbreviations: ADA: American Dental Association

I don't understand some of the Dental gargin, but hey very impressive if you ask me!!:)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

One of my Favorite Sights...

my children "reading" together!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

On The Way Home

Talmage with the cutest quilt that my sister Shannan made for him. A train how fitting:)
Happy New Year!! This is us when we got off of the bus to board yet another train. We walked into the station (we had no idea what time it was, we were a little out of it at this point) and everyone was saying "Happy New Year!!" We were so done at this point but still had hours to go on coach. I had to quickly snap this picture......."yeah Happy 2010!!"
Here is where the cars connect. When we were travelling in Montana it was so cold that there was snow in this area. Crazy!!
Here is the hallway and the roomettes were on either side. Pretty tight quarters, the picture does make it look narrower than it was but not by much. Anyways you had to walk like a penguin to keep balanced, it was pretty funny to watch the waiters carry their trays and keep it all balanced.
Eating yummy food in the diner car! I was seriously impressed with their food!!