Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Valentines Day

For Valentines Day I planned a special "feast" as Lilli would call a fancy dinner. I dropped off a invite to the house, rang the doorbell and ran. The girls couldn't quite figure out who had left the invitation. The invitation invited them to a special Valentine feast, but first they had to go on a "Quest" with their prince charming. They also had to wear their fanciest Valentine outfit. I went around the neighbourhood and hid the clues for their scavenger hunt. Josh and the girls went on the hunt while I decorated the kitchen and made heart pizza.  They had a blast scampering all over the neighbourhood to find their clues. They finally made it back to the house where the "Queen of Hearts" (moi) awaited them. They thought it was so wonderful! It was so fun to see their faces as they came into the kitchen where there was a candle lit dinner waiting for them with balloons and streamers, it was such a fun night!
Oh so romantic!
Lilli's guess on who brought the invitation was Grandma and Grandpa...:)
What good finders they were! It was dark so it was even more fun to use a flashlight! They were very excited about that!


Laurene Ross said...

You are such a good mom. I can learn so much from you. I just gave them each a candy kiss and a hug and called it good. Next year I will try to be more creative. Thanks for sharing! Where is the little bundle of joy?

Ashlee & Christian said...

You seriously are the cutest parents ever. What a fun idea. That is so awesome. You should be writing all these ideas down and then compile a list to share with us when we have kids that are old enough to do these sorts of things :) I keep thinking I should remember this and that of things you are always doing (the rainbow garden, etc) but I keep forgetting them all. How are you feeling?

Jani Jo said...

Could I just send Braxton to you and then at about age 14 you could send him back and I'll take credit for all of the wonderful childhood memories he will have experienced? You are such a great mom!

Amber and Brad said...

You are way to cute for your own good. Really what a great idea I bet they absolutely loved it. I cant wait to see all you guys and your new little guy. Its gonna be so fun!
Love ya tons!

Shannan said...

Very cute and creative Stacy. You are such a fun mommy.

Shannan said...

I need pictures of baby Talmage. I wish I was there with you. I want pictures as soon as you can, please post them. I want to see the little old man( so you say)