Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Leaves, Turkeys and Being Thankful

Josh grew a moustache for a school fundraiser, here it is the infamous moustache. Lilli and Daddy sporting milk moustaches. Josh had the moustache for a month, can't say that I was in the least bit thankful for it. I hate facial hair, but let him do it for a good purpose...never again!
We made a countdown to Thanksgiving and put a feather on for each day. Everyday each of us wrote something that we were thankful for. It was really fun to see what the girls were thankful for. 
Every year we get to rake a ton of leaves, I actually like raking leaves...the girls love it.  We throw them in the pile of leaves and watch them dissapear, and then put all of the leaves on a tarp and they get to ride on the leaves to the back yard where we dump the leaves in the forest behind our house! I love working out in the yard and watching the girls have so much fun in the outdoors. These are some of my favorite times!!


Angie said...

That turkey countdown is a really great idea...I like how you write thankful things on the feathers.

Amber Holt Photography said...

yah you have updated and you have pictures. Its so great to see your kids growing up. they are so dang cute! The whole family was just reading up on everything and we sure miss all you guys. Give the girls hugs and kisses from all of us. Love ya

NiColt said...

stacy this is for josh:
"i think the milk is thicker than the hair on his upper lip" quote colt nehring.
haha we cant wait to see you and your family again. hope you had a great christmas and new years! josh doing okay with his knee?
love ya