Friday, November 7, 2008

Pocahontas or John Smith?

Sorry about that last post...I hit a wrong key obviously and it erased everything that I had written, and then the girls were needing my immediate attention, so here it is:) We went to our 22 week appointment with the whole family. We had told the girls we were going to see the baby in my tummy and find out what it is. Isabella started saying that we were going to have a Pocahontas baby and Lilli said we were going to have a John Smith baby. I had been thinking it was a boy, so in the waiting room I was kind of nervous. Well they called us into the ultra sound room and there we got to see the miracle of life, one of my most favorite things. Lilli loved it and kept saying "This is so cool!!" and kissing my hand:):) Isabella wasn't too much into it but when Josh would point out a foot or hand she paid attention. We told the ultra sound lady what the girls had been saying all week and she then continued to say..."Well it definitely is a John Smith baby!"  I started tearing up, it was kind of like WOW! We are very excited this is just going to be a whole new ball game. I have 3 sisters and 1 brother who is 10 years younger than I am, so I remember dressing him up and doing his hair:) I am sure I will be fine, just keep them covered right:)We went and celebrated at Chipotle and Bruesters!!! Anyways we are very excited about our little "John Smith!"


Angie said...

Yay!!! Boys are great. I just adore mine. Lili will be a great big sister...she'll show him how to get dirty. And if he's bald like Izzy, then you don't have to worry about always making sure that a bow is on his head. They like dinosaurs, cars, diggers, airplanes, animals, and they love to give hugs and kisses. They love to tease, play, run, dance, and sing songs. And I just love the relationship they have with their Dad. I love telling them that they'll get to hold the Priesthood someday. I love that they have such a good example in their father so I know they'll turn out just fine.

Jani Jo said...

Congrats on "John"! :) You will love 'the world of boys'. Your girls will be such big helps, too. Do you have any boy names picked out?

Brent and Jenny Colvin said...


Ashlee & Christian said...

I am so excited for you guys. You might just have to make his middle name John!! Nice ultrasound picture as well. That was awesome. I had fun last night at your pampered chef party. Thanks for the invite!

Anonymous said...

AMAZING!!! What a great story and I am so excited for the BOY adventure heading your way. It is going to be so much fun for all of you. You as parents to try something new, and the girls to have a little brother. He is one lucky fella to have a family like you guys. Congrats again!!!

Suzie Soda said...

Wow..such fun news. You will love having both sexes in your is a microcosim for life. I love all your blog updates. You have a darling family. xoxoxo

Erin L. said...

You'll LOVE having a boy. There's just something about a boy and his mommy that never goes away. I'm happy for you!